Ask Fairyfarmgirl

Welcome to Ask Fairyfarmgirl

Fairyfarmgirl is a metaphysical practioner committed to the craft of seeking the highest Light and Love. This has led her to explore her inner depths and her highest lows. From which this sacred journey has brought forth a great synthesis of change. Resulting in continuous expansion of beingness every reaching outward and inward toward The One, The Whole that which some call God, The Creator, Great Spirit, The Goddess or in some circles Fred.

Fairyfarmgirl loves answering metaphysical questions by teaching all she knows. She loves to talk about her favorite subjects. It is only through sharing our stories that we learn/teach and teach/learn. This is what moves us ever forward into the future that we are making now by our very choices in this moment!

Ask Fairyfarmgirl your questions concerning metaphysical topics, nutrition, health, wellbeing, harmonious living, sacred arts and sciences.

Ask Fairyfarmgirl simply provides information and suggestions and brings forth teachings for you to ponder. Fairyfarmgirl and Ask Fairyfarmgirl is not a substitute for consulting with qualified medical or herbal practioners.

Ask Fairyfarmgirl your Metaphysical Questions!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ask Fairy Farm Girl

Good Greetings:

This blog was created for the seeker to use for clearing issues that arise in life. Begin at the first post which is the last post by scrolling down to the beginning of the blog.

For more assistance with your metaphysical queries go to
We bless you all with Love and Light.

Fairy Farm Girl-Elizabeth